Our services during the courses include
- Professionally equipped working spaces
- 5 days of instructions from the course tutor. He will accompany your work at least 35 hours
- Marble stone from 10 kg up to 20 kg of your own choice
- All sculpting tools manufactured in Italy at your disposal
- Abrasive and polishing material for the 'finishing touch'
Not included in the course fee are
- Travel expenses
- Accommodation expenses
- Food and meals
- Personal travel or accident insurance
Accommodation in Berlin
Accommodation ist not included in our services, but we are happy to assist you in finding a nice place for your stay. There are plenty of offers in the vicinity of the studio marked on Google, or check out some of these possibilities:
Several smaller vacation homes close to the studio:
Hotel / Bed & Breakfast close by:
- https://www.hotel-johann.berlin/
- Booking.com Kreuzberg
- https://matzbach-berlin.com/
- www.hotel-sarottihoefe.de
- neu.metropolhostel-berlin.de
Your accommodation in Brandenburg
For our courses in Brandenburg you will be accommodated at the Künstlerhof Roofensee. You will have to pay the costs for board and lodging directly to the owner on site (470 €). We will reserve the place for you when you book your course.